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Cat. No Model Cell Description
E20-05-163 40003642 Undivded Screening System Package (8 Cells)
E20-05-161 40003631 Divided Screening System Package (6 Cells)
Cat. No E20-05-163 E20-05-161
Model 40003642 40003631
Voltage output 0 – 32 V (¡¾ 1 mV)
Power output 0 – 10 A
< 1 A (¡¾ 0,2 mA )
¡Ã 1 A (¡¾ 1 mA )
Supply voltage 115 or 230 V (50 Hz/60 Hz)
Functions Galvanostat
Magnetic Stirrer RPM 0 – 1500 rpm
Number of cells 8 6
Volume-Cell 8 ml
Material-Cell PTFE
Temperierung RT to 100¡ÆC
  • Accessory - Reaction Block and Cell
Cat. No Model Description
E20-05-177 40003648 Reaction Cells Set (Undivided 8 Cells)
E20-05-175 40003647 Reaction Cells Set (Divided 6 Cells)
E20-05-173 20015943 Reactions block (Undivided 8 Cells)
E20-05-171 20015936 Reactions block (Divided 6 Cells)
  • Accessory - Electrode
Cat. No Model Description
E20-05-179 40003932 Electrode 0.7 BDD
E20-05-181 40003670 Electrode 0.7 glassy carbon
E20-05-183 40003954 Electrode 0.7 graphite SK-50
E20-05-185 40003678 Electrode 0.7 platinum
E20-05-235 20023860 Electrode 0.7 platinum on ceramic
E20-05-187 40003934 Electrode 0.7 gold
E20-05-189 40003938 Electrode 0.7 silver
E20-05-191 40003935 Electrode 0.7 nickel foam
E20-05-193 40003669 Electrode 0.7 graphite V2100
E20-05-195 40003671 Electrode 0.7 nickel
E20-05-197 40003672 Electrode 0.7 stainless steel
E20-05-199 40003673 Electrode 0.7 lead
E20-05-201 40003674 Electrode 0.7 lead bronce
E20-05-203 40003675 Electrode 0.7 copper
E20-05-205 40003677 Electrode 0.7 magnesium
E20-05-207 40003680 Electrode 0.7 zinc
E20-05-209 40003682 Electrode 0.7 aluminum
E20-05-211 40003933 Electrode 0.7 cobalt
E20-05-213 40003936 Electrode 0.7 niobium
E20-05-215 40003939 Electrode 0.7 tin
E20-05-217 40003940 Electrode 0.7 titanium
E20-05-219 40003941 Electrode 0.7 tungsten
E20-05-221 40003937 Electrode 0.7 RVC
E20-05-223 40004509 Electrode 0.7 Sampler Kit
E20-05-225 40003646 Electrode 0.7 Starter Kit
  • Other Accessory
Cat. No Model Description
E20-05-341 20110375 SC.MF.CP.UDIV Manifold cap
E20-05-343 20110376 SC.MF.CP.DIV Manifold cap
E20-05-345 20110119 SC.MF Manifold
E20-05-237 20023690 Labworldsoft 6 Screening System